First, launch slqplus:
sqlplus /nolog
Second, connect to ORACLE_SID
connect $ORACLE_SID as sysdba
(when prompting for password, just hit Enter)
Third, create a user;
CREATE USER your_username IDENTIFIED BY your_password;
(if you try to connect with Oracle db at this point, you'll get an error since no session has been granted to this user yet)
Fourth, grant session to the newly-created user
grant create session your_username;
5. grant write prilivige to the user:
grant create table, create sequence, create database to your_username;
(you can add all other stuff in between: create view, create cluster, create synonym, etc.)
6. grant unlimited space:
grant create unlimited tablespace to your_username;
Note: you have to log in as oracle user in order to execute sqlplus commands.
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