Friday, August 30, 2013

Oracle: check if listener is running

1. Login as oracle:
su - oracle or sudo su - oracle
2. check listener status:
lsnrctl status
lsnrctl start
lsnrctl stop

Windows: launch computer properties (check if Windows is activated) from command line

Let say you just installed a new Windows version on your pc and wanted to check if it's activated.
The easies way to is to click on Start > Computer > Right click > Properties.

However, you can use this command line to get there

control system

Note: don't be mistaken this computer properties with another computer properties launched by this command:


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Oracle SQLPlus and SQL Developer connection

In order to connect to Oracle DB from SQL Developer, a user must be created.
First, launch slqplus:
sqlplus /nolog

Second, connect to ORACLE_SID
connect $ORACLE_SID as sysdba

(when prompting for password, just hit Enter)

Third, create a user;
CREATE USER your_username IDENTIFIED BY your_password;

(if you try to connect with Oracle db at this point, you'll get an error since no session has been granted to this user yet)
Fourth, grant session to the newly-created user
grant create session your_username;

Now Oracle db is ready for connection from SQL Developer.

However, this user have read-only privilege. In order to get write privilge, e.g creating table. You need to grant this privilege to the user.
5. grant write prilivige to the user:
grant create table, create sequence, create database to your_username;
(you can add all other stuff in between: create view, create cluster, create synonym, etc.)
6. grant unlimited space:
grant create unlimited tablespace to your_username;

Note: you have to log in as oracle user in order to execute sqlplus commands.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Weblogic Datasource Configuration

I was trying to configure a datasource on Weblogic for a Webapp using Spring and Hibernate.
And here is the working configuration:

java:comp/env/jdbc/rqc_db-ds is not working.

In this process I have learned two things:
1. Make sure Weblogic talks to the DB via JNDI
2. Make sure the deployed app talks to JNDI 

rqc_db-ds is just name. Yours could be different.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Weblogic: Deployment State New Issue

When I tried to deploy an demo app to my newly set up Weblogic, I encountered a weird situation where the deployment state is New/Prepare, not Active as expected.
After first, I thought there were something wrong with the app itself. Then I thought there was something wrong with the deployment method: I tried auto deploy, web console.
However, it turned out that the managed server (TestServer) that I tried to deploy the app on was NOT RUNNING!
To check out, go Environment (under Domain Structure) > Servers (on the right side)

Solution: You can turn it on from command line/scripts or from the web GUI console

From the web GUI console, Environment (under Domain Structure) > Servers (on the right side) >

Control (next to Configuration tab) > Check the one you would like to start > Start

Now I can get my app deployment state back to Active again!

Weblogic: Failed to start the sip service, shutting down

After I run to set up Weblogic admin server and managed server. I was unable to start the managed server from the command line. Here's the error message I got:
Failed to start the sip service, shutting down

Solution: While the admin server, go to the web GUI and remove the manage server from SIP Server
(SipServer > Targets > SIP Server Targets

Now I can start managed server from command line or script!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Install and Set up Weblogic 10.3.2 in Linux

1. Unzip the tar into your choosen dir, e.g.
2. Execute script, e.g.
3. Follow the instruction in the console: creating username, password, domain name, admin server name, managed server name, port number...
 That's it. Now you have Weblogic AdminServer running!
If you wish to customize start and stop Weblogic scripts, you may try as folllow. 
4. Create dirs for scripts: e.g. /opt/yourcompany/yourproject/weblogic/scripts
Under Scripts, create admin, managed, all

5. Start script for admin server:
e.g. your company name: abc and your project/app: xyz


DATE=`date +%A" "%d-%b-%Y-%X`
DATESTAMP=`date +%d-%b-%Y-%T`

echo " ** Oracle Weblogic 10.3.2 startup script **"
echo " ** "$DATE" **"

export DOMAIN_HOME=/opt/abc/xyz/weblogic/xyzdomain
export XYZ_LOG_HOME=/var/abc/xyz/app/logs
export XYZ_ADMIN_LOG_NAME=xyzadmin.log

admin_num=`netstat -nl|grep "$ADMIN_PORT" |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`

if [ $admin_num -gt  0 ]
 echo "WebLogic Admin Server Already RUNNING."
 echo "."
 cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
 echo "Starting WebLogic Admin Server...."
 admin_run=`grep -i RUNNING $YOURPROJECT_LOG_HOME/$XZY_ADMIN_LOG_NAME |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`
 while [ $admin_run -eq 0 ]
  sleep 2;
  admin_run=`grep -i RUNNING $YOURPROJECT_LOG_HOME/$YOURPROJECT_ADMIN_LOG_NAME |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`
  echo -n "."
 echo -n "\n"
 echo "Started Oracle Weblogic 10.3.2 admin server at port:"$ADMIN_PORT

6. Stop script for Admin Server:


DATE=`date +%A" "%d-%b-%Y-%X`
DATESTAMP=`date +%d-%b-%Y-%T`

echo " ** Oracle Weblogic 10.3.2 start/stop script **"
echo " ** "$DATE" **"

export DOMAIN_HOME=/opt/yourcompany/yourproject/weblogic/yourdomain
export YOURPROJECT_LOG_HOME=/var/yourcompany/yourproject/app/logs

admin_num=`netstat -nl|grep "$ADMIN_PORT" |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`

if [ $admin_num -eq 0 ];
 echo "WebLogic Admin Server not RUNNING."
 exit 0
 echo "."
 cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
 echo "Stopping WebLogic Admin Server...."
 cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
 echo "Stopped Oracle Weblogic 10.3.2 admin server at port:"$ADMIN_PORT

7. Start script for Managed Server:


DATE=`date +%A" "%d-%b-%Y-%X`
DATESTAMP=`date +%d-%b-%Y-%T`

echo " ** Oracle Weblogic 10.3.2 managed server start script **"
echo " ** "$DATE" **"

export DOMAIN_HOME=/opt/abc/xyz/weblogic/xyzdomain
export XYZ_LOG_HOME=/var/abc/xyz/app/logs


admin_num=`netstat -nl|grep "$ADMIN_PORT" |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`

if [  $admin_num -gt  0 ]
 echo "WebLogic Admin Server is RUNNING."
 managed_server_num=`netstat -nl|grep "$MANAGED_SERVER_PORT" |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`
 if [ $managed_server_num -gt  0 ]
  echo "WebLogic Managed Server Already RUNNING."
  exit 0
  echo "."
  cd $DOMAIN_HOME/bin
  echo "Starting WebLogic Managed Server...."
  managed_server_run=`grep -i "Server started in RUNNING mode" $XYZ_LOG_HOME/$MANAGED_SERVER_NAME.log |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`
 while [ $managed_server_run -eq 0 ]
  sleep 2;
  managed_server_run=`grep -i "Server started in RUNNING mode" $XYZ_LOG_HOME/$MANAGED_SERVER_NAME.log |grep -v grep |awk 'END{print NR}'`
  echo -n "."
  echo "Started Oracle Weblogic 10.3.2 managed server at port:"$MANAGED_SERVER_PORT
 sleep 10
 echo "WebLogic Admin Server is not RUNNING."
 exit 0

Monday, August 12, 2013

Eclipse RCP & RAP Bundle org.eclipse.ui

I created just a "hello world" app for RCP project. It compiled and ran just fine. However, right after I created a RAP project in the same workspace in the Eclipse (RAP target platform was also installed since this is the very first time a RAP project is created), now all the sudden the RCP project threw compliation error like it's missing some dependencies:

It turned out that RAP and RCP use different target platforms!!!?? as shown in Eclipse:

So what happened is Eclipse switched to RAP target platform when I created a RAP project!

Solution: Window > Preferences > Plug-in Development > Target Platform > Running Platform > Apply > Ok

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Java Web Start HelloWorld

Java Web Start is new technology to me. As I was trying to do research on Eclipse RCP, I encounter this technology. It uses JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol).

I tried to build a HelloWorld app using this technology, but keep getting this error. 
Error: unable to launch the application

launch Java Control Panel: path/to/jre/bin/javacpl
config network setting